

报告题目:Lattice BGK model for a class of time-fractional wave equations

报告人:杜睿 东南大学数学学院副教授、计算数学系副主任


报告人简介:杜睿,东南大学数学学院副教授、计算数学系副主任。2007年在华中科技大学获得工学博士学位后,加入东南大学数学系。2020年入选江苏省高校“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师培养对象. 先后访问美国佛罗里达大学、WPI,进行学术研究与交流合作. 主要研究方向为微分方程数值解, 包括分数阶微分方程的高效数值方法及格子Boltzmann方法的理论和应用等. 已在国内外主流学术期刊发表学术论文二十余篇。主持国家自然科学基金项目两项,参与三项。

报告摘要:In this talk, a new lattice Boltzmann model with BGK operator (LBGK) for solving a class of time-fractional wave equations in Caputo sense is constructed. First the Caputo fractional derivative is discretized by L1 scheme after order reduction. Then the fast lattice BGK model is proposed for the time-fractional wave equation, in which the fast sum-of-exponentials approximation algorithm is used in order to improve computational efficiency. Through Chapman-Enskog analysis the macroscopic equation can be recovered from the present LBGK model. After that, the proposed model is also extended to solve the time-fractional Klein-Gordon equation and the time-fractional sine-Gordon equation. Finally, several numerical examples are performed to show the accuracy and efficiency of this fast LBGK model. From the numerical results, the second accuracy order in space can be found.