





华南理工大学    应用数学    硕博连读    2008.09-2013.06

衡阳师范学院    数学与应用数学 本科      2004.09-2008.06



2021.11-2022.11:加拿大纽芬兰大学  访问学者(合作导师:Chunhua  Ou)

2013.07-2015.06:华南理工大学      自动化科学与工程学院(合作导师:李远清教授)




1、Camassa-Holm型方程和Harry-Dym型方程的动力学性质, 国家自然科学基金,编号:11801263,立项时间:2019.01,主持,已结题。

2、CH 型方程和Harry Dym 型方程特殊解的分支与轨道稳定性研究, 湖南省自然科学基金,编号:2018JJ3418,立项时间:2019.01,主持,已结题。



1、Hongyong Wang, Chaohong Pan, Speed selection of wavefronts for lattice Lotka-Volterra competition system in a time periodic habitat, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2023,(SCI收录JCR二区)通讯作者。

2、Hongyong Wang, Chaohong Pan, Spreading speed of a lattice time-periodic Lotka-Volterra competition system with bistable nonlinearity, Applicable Analysis, 2022,(SCI收录JCR二区)通讯作者。

3、Xing He, Guangsheng He, Chaohong Pan, Local Stability of Traveling Waves of a Model Describing Host Tissue Degradation by Bacteria, Mathematics, 2022,(SCI收录JCR一区)通讯作者。

4、Lijun Zhang, Chaohong Pan, Studies on Reversal Permanent Charges and Reversal Potentials Via Classical Poisson-nernst-planck Systems with Boundary Layers, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-series B, 2022,(SCI收录JCR二区)通讯作者。

5、Qiong Wu, Chaohong Pan, Hongyong Wang, Speed determinacy of the traveling waves for a three species time-periodic Lotka–Volterra competition system, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2022,(SCI收录JCR二区)学生第一,导师第二。

6、Hongyong Wang, Chaohong Pan, Chunhua Ou, Propagation dynamics of forced pulsating waves of a time periodic Lotka-Volterra competition system in a shifting habitat, Journal of Differential Equations, 2022,(SCI收录JCR一区)并列第一作者。

7、Chaohong Pan, Hongyong Wang, Chunhua Ou, Invasive Speed for a Competition-diffusion System with Three Species, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-series B, 2021,(SCI收录JCR二区)第一作者。

8、Hongyong Wang, Chaohong Pan, Chunhua Ou, Existence, uniqueness and stability of forced waves to the Lotka-Volterra competition system in a shifting environment,Studies In Applied Mathematics (3)2021, (SCI收录JCR一区)并列第一作者。

9、Yan Tang, Chaohong Pan, Hongyong Wang, Zigen Ouyang, Speed determinacy of travelling waves for a threecomponent lattice Lotka–Volterra competition system, 2021, Journal of Biological Dynamics, (SCI收录JCR二区)通讯作者。

10、Guansheng He, Chaohong Pan, Gravitational deflection of massive particles in Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime, European Physical Journal C, 2020,(SCI收录JCR一区)通讯作者。

11、Hongyong Wang, Chaohong Pan, Chunhua Ou, Existence of forced waves and gap formations for the lattice Lotka-Volterra competition system in a shifting environment, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2020,(SCI收录JCR一区)通讯作者。

12、Chaohong Pan, Shaoyong Li, Further results on the smooth and non-smooth solitons of the Novikov equation, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2016,  doi:10.1007/s11071-016-2921-z.(SCI收录JCR一区)第一作者。

13、Chaohong Pan, Lijing Zheng, Orbital stability of the smooth solitary wave with nonzero asymptotic value for the mCH equation,Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics,2016,23(3):423-438(SCI收录)第一作者。

14、 Chaohong Pan, Zhengrong Liu, Infinitely many solitary waves of an integrable equation with singularity, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2016,83:1469-1475(SCI收录JCR一区)第一作者。

15、Chaohong Pan, Yating Yi, Some extensions on the soliton solutions for the Novikov equation with cubic nonlinearity, Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 2015, 22(2): 308-320(SCI收录)第一作者。

16、Chaohong Pan, Ling Liming, Some properties for a new integrable soliton equation,Physica Scripta, 2015, 90(2): 1-9(SCI收录)第一作者。

17、Chaohong Pan, Ling Liming, Zhengrong Liu, A new integrable equation with cuspons and periodic cuspons, Physica Scripta, 2014, 89(10): 1-9(SCI收录)第一作者。

18、 Chaohong Pan, Zhengrong Liu, Further results on the traveling wave solutions for an integrable equation,Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2013, 2013: 1-6(SCI收录)第一作者。

19、Chaohong Pan, Xuena Zhu, Zhengrong Liu, A simple approach for reducing the order of equations with higher order nonlinearity, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2012, 218(17): 8702-8714(SCI收录JCR一区)第一作者。

20、Chaohong Pan, Zhengrong Liu, Bengong Zhang, A simple method and its applications to nonlinear partial differential equations,Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2010, 217 (8): 4197-4204(SCI收录JCR一区)第一作者。

